
Traditional seaweed cultivation methods, such as those used in the MacroAlgal Cultivation Rig and The BioArchitecture Lab, demand significant land for mooring, making them impractical for densely utilized coastal areas.

Additionally, structures like cages and nets, though protective against fish, impede the efficiency of harvesting and reseeding. A lack of regular monitoring and control systems for critical growth factors such as light, pH, water quality, and flow further complicates seaweed cultivation.

To sustain the growth of seaweed production, innovative systems that are efficient, flexible, protective, and comprehensive are essential.

Addressing this, our company proposes a two-fold solution: A streamlined, space-efficient seaweed cultivation system that integrates smart monitoring and control technologies. This system will optimize space usage, enhance harvest and reseeding efficiency, and provide precise control over growth conditions. The monitoring, and controlling of the whole system can be accomplished remotely through our app.